Boosting B2B Engagement & Creativity: Insights from Hannah Maltby



Hannah Maltby, Head of Campaigns and ABM, The Access Group

Hannah Maltby highlights a pivotal factor in B2B marketing: driving engagement and ensuring your brand remains top-of-mind.

"It's about utilising the channels where our audience spends time and infusing creativity to stand out", Hannah notes.

She observes the shift in B2B tactics, drawing closer to B2C's dynamic approach: "We're seeing a broadening of channels beyond LinkedIn to platforms like Reddit and YouTube, championing the idea that B2B can be just as compelling," she adds. laire sheds light on how B2B marketing can enhance nurture strategies by observing B2C practices. She emphasizes fostering customer loyalty and adopting a multi-channel, creative approach. "Let's bring the engagement and urgency from B2C to B2B, making nurturing an integral part of the customer journey, not just an afterthought," says Clair


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